*®* the REGULATORS *®*
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We are a crusty band of self appointed lawmen. We ride herd on the B.net community with a vengeance heretofore never seen anywhere on Bungie. We strive to keep law and order in a lawless society. We are a rough bunch, deadly in combat, and loyal to the death. We're rough, we're tough, and we will fight unmercifully to the bitter end. Our combat motto is "Blink Yer Eye's, You'll Die In Total Darkness!"

Membership into the Regulators is by invitation only. We are an exclusive bunch of salty Myth veterans. Any new recruits are accepted by 100% approval of the current members. We limit our membership to 16 Regulator's at a time.

Oldest living member of the Regulators. Don't let his age mislead you, his dead-eye aim has dispatched many an onery hombre to Boot Hill. Old LoneStar maintains this website for the Regulators. If you need information about the Regulators...........
Email the Regulators!